Parents and teachers are keenly aware of how challenging it can be for children to regulate their cognitions and emotions, but also the importance of these skills for children's lives. We are a group of researchers interested in how children develop cognitive skills and self-regulation. Broadly, our goal is to better understand the ways in which experiences in school and at home contribute to brain development and strengthen children's regulation.
In our work, we draw on ideas and methods from developmental and clinical psychology, education, and cognitive neuroscience in order to better understand how day-to-day experiences shape children's growing brains and capacities for self-regulation. We are particularly interested in identifying strategies that teachers and parents can use to promote positive development in all children, including those with learning and attentional difficulties. Please check out our ongoing projects to learn more about ways that you can get involved!
Come Visit!
520 Portola Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095

© 2003 by Alan Nyiri, courtesy of the Atkinson Photographic Archive